
Showing posts from May, 2020

What are dental implants?

A dental implant is a structure that replaces a missing tooth. With screw-like devices, the surgeon inserts an implant into the jawbone, and it acts as an anchor for an artificial tooth, called a crown. A device called an abutment connects the artificial tooth to the dental implant. The crown is custom-made to fit the person’s mouth and match the color of their teeth. Crowns look, feel, and function like natural teeth. Implants have several advantages over dentures, which are removable artificial teeth. Implants: are more natural and comfortable have a higher success rate improve chewing function lead to a lower risk of cavities developing in nearby teeth lead to better maintenance of bone at the site of the lost tooth cause decreased sensitivity in nearby teeth do not need to be taken out and cleaned every night However, dental implants are not suitable for everyone. The implanting devices must bond with the jawbone, so a person’s bones must be healthy b

What You Can Do About Bad Breath

It's easy to improve your breath and keep your teeth and gums healthy at the same time. Try these simple steps to make your mouth feel fresh and clean. 1. Brush and floss more often. Plaque, the sticky buildup on your teeth, collects bacteria that cause bad breath. Trapped food also adds to the problem. Brush your teeth at least two times each day, and floss at least once. If you're concerned about your breath, do both a little more often. Don't overdo things, though. If you brush too hard you can wear down your teeth, making them vulnerable to decay. 2. Rinse your mouth out. Besides freshening your breath, a mouthwash adds extra protection by getting rid of bacteria. A fresh minty taste can make you feel good. But be sure the mouthwash you choose kills the germs that cause bad breath. Don't just cover up the smell. Rinse daily with a good mouthwash and stop bad breath at its source. You can also help your breath if you swish your mou